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Context Variable

This document describes how to customize the HTML templates used to generate PDF reports using the GetHTML function in your Django application. Below are the available context variables that can be used in the HTML templates and their respective details.

Context Variables

The following context variables are passed to the HTML template (report.html) during PDF generation. Users can use these variables to dynamically customize the content of the PDF report.

Variable Name Description
project The project object for which the report is being generated. Contains all project details.
vuln Queryset of vulnerabilities for the project, ordered by CVSS score (higher to lower).
instances Queryset of all vulnerable instances associated with the project.
projectmanagers Queryset of users in the "Project Manager" group.
customeruser Queryset of customer users associated with the project's customer company.
mycomany The name of the internal (your company) company.
projectscope Queryset of all project scopes for the project.
totalretest Queryset of all retests for the project.
totalvulnerability Total count of vulnerabilities for the project.
ciritcal Count of vulnerabilities with severity "Critical".
high Count of vulnerabilities with severity "High".
medium Count of vulnerabilities with severity "Medium".
low Count of vulnerabilities with severity "Low".
info Count of vulnerabilities with severity "Informational" or "None".
standard The standard or methodology being used for the report.
Report_type The type of report being generated (e.g., Audit, Re-Audit).
pie_chart Rendered pie chart data showing the vulnerability distribution by severity.

How to Customize Templates

  1. Locate the HTML Template:

    • The report template is located at templates/*. You can modify this file or create a new one for different report types.
  2. Use Context Variables:

    • Insert the context variables into the template using Django's template syntax. For example:
      <h1>Vulnerability Report for {{ }}</h1>
      <p>Total Vulnerabilities: {{ totalvulnerability }}</p>
      <p>Critical Issues: {{ ciritcal }}</p>
      <p>High Severity Issues: {{ high }}</p>
  3. Dynamic Content:

    • Use loops and conditionals to dynamically render data. For example:
      {% for vuln in vuln %}
          <li>{{ vuln.vulnerabilityname }} - Severity: {{ vuln.vulnerabilityseverity }}</li>
      {% endfor %}
  4. Styling and Charts:

    • Use {{ pie_chart|safe }} to embed the rendered pie chart in the HTML. Ensure that the safe filter is applied to include raw HTML safely.

Example Template Usage

Here’s a sample section of the report.html template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{ }} Vulnerability Report</title>
    <h1>{{ mycomany }} - Vulnerability Report</h1>
    <h2>Project: {{ }}</h2>
    <p>Total Vulnerabilities: {{ totalvulnerability }}</p>
    <p>Critical Issues: {{ ciritcal }}</p>
    <p>High Severity Issues: {{ high }}</p>
    <p>Medium Severity Issues: {{ medium }}</p>
    <p>Low Severity Issues: {{ low }}</p>
    <p>Informational Issues: {{ info }}</p>

    <h3>Vulnerability Breakdown</h3>
    {{ pie_chart|safe }}

        {% for v in vuln %}
            <li>{{ v.vulnerabilityname }} - Severity: {{ v.vulnerabilityseverity }}</li>
        {% endfor %}