Environment Variables

The APTRS backend uses the .env file to store credentials such as S3 bucket information, database credentials, secret keys, whitelisted IPs/domains, and more.

  • If you are deploying the application with Docker, make sure to update the details in the .env file from the project root.
  • If you are deploying the application without Docker, you will need to update specific details like the S3 bucket and whitelisted IPs.
ENV Description Docker Linux Server Manual Setup
SECRET_KEY This key is used by Backend including JWT, Should be secured and random. Manually need to be updated in env file Manually need to be updated in env file
WHITELIST_IP This allows to set whitelisted IP/domain with port number to allow loading resource during PDF report to prevent SSRF vulnerability. Manually need to be updated in env file, make sure to keep the https://nginx as its required to connect with nginx within Docker Manually need to be updated in env file based on your domain name, IP etc.
ALLOWED_HOST Whitelist allowed host to prevent host header injection attack Manually need to be updated in env file Manually need to be updated in env file based on your domain name, IP etc.
CORS_ORIGIN Whitelist allowed origin to prevent cross origin attack Manually need to be updated in env file Manually need to be updated in env file based on your domain name, IP etc.
REDIS_URL Redis Server Details including IP, Port and password Should replace the default password q8N8HwlaOWqOl1hG7rdmBsm7oT52fLKHZXFwOB4VM7SXFDV8wg to a new strong random password. Do not update other details except password Manually need to be updated in env file for REDIS password, IP and Port details
REDIS_PASSWORD Redis Server password for Redis image in docker Should replace the default password q8N8HwlaOWqOl1hG7rdmBsm7oT52fLKHZXFwOB4VM7SXFDV8wg to a new strong random password. Password in REDIS_URL and REDIS_PASSWORD should be same Not needed and no need to update/add.
POSTGRES_USER , POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_PORT, POSTGRES_DB Postgres DB username, password, port, and DB names Manually need to be updated in env file Manually need to be updated in env file.
POSTGRES_HOST Postgres host name Should not be updated. Manually need to be updated in env file.
USE_S3 If you want to use Cloud S3 bucket Digital Ocean or AWS s3 bucket. Default False, you can change it to True Optional Optional
USE_DOCKER Used by APTRS Django code to validate if application deployed on Docker or Not Optional, It is already declared as True in Docker file Required to set to False
USER_TIME_ZONE Used by APTRS Django code and Background task schedule time using celery Required to set the local time zon or UTC Required to set the local time zon or UTC