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Post Deploy

First-Time Deployment Checklist for APTRS

Once you deploy APTRS using either the manual method or Docker, follow these steps to ensure everything is set up correctly:

1. Company

Upon the first deployment, APTRS automatically creates a default company named APTRS PVT. This company is designated as the internal company, representing the organization using APTRS to generate reports for clients.

  • Key Details:
    • The internal company cannot be deleted or added via the frontend or API.
    • You can edit its name, address, and logo to match your organization’s details.
    • Any additional companies you create will be treated as client companies.

2. Groups

APTRS includes predefined user groups to facilitate report generation and role management.

  • Default Groups:
    • Manager and Project Manager groups are used to include manager details in the reports.
    • It is recommended not to rename or delete these groups, as doing so may cause errors during report generation.

3. User and Admin

During the first deployment, APTRS creates a default admin user associated with the internal APTRS company.

  • Key Details:
    • Do not delete this user, as it is essential for system functionality.
    • You can update the admin user’s profile details, such as:
      • Email address
      • Photo
      • Name
      • Password